Happy Thanksgiving Turkey Sprite Aurora Wings

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Yes, I made two cards to say Happy Thanksgiving this year. I just couldn't help myself and use both turkey images that I had. Plus, I just wanted to say an extra thank you for following my blog, facebook page, instagram or whatever the case may be.

turkey Sprite from aurora wings created by copictopia


This image is from Aurora Wings - Happy Thanksgiving Turkey Sprite. Is it so cute! I just love him. I decided to layer this little one as well. Actually I think there is a few cards that I have been doing that to lately.


Turkey Sprite from Aurora Wings created by Copictopia


This little guy has 4 layers on him. It really isn't has hard as and time consuming as you think. The harder part is deciding what you are going to have popped up.  I didn't color everything between the layers, just the outside so you couldn't see the white and make it stand out and look horrible.

turkey sprite from aurora wings from copictopia


I added some layers of some great patterned paper that I found. I also used clear rhinestones again and colored them with my Copic markers. Seems coloring the clear ones with my Copic markers seems the perfect way to get the exact color that I am looking for.

The Copic colors I used are:

Save[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_masonry_media_grid grid_id="vc_gid:1481146063207-ec85042c-e51d-4" include="4085,4081,4079,4077,4043,4042,4083,3945,3944,3897,3896,3898,3895,3873,3872,3875,3866,3876"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]For some of the colors I don't yet have photos for I used : E000, E13, BV20, R20, E17

Don't worry I will have the photos in my database soon.

Please be sure to check out the challenge and the current happenings over at Aurora Wings Challenge Blog! You can also see what the other team members made over there too!  You don't want to miss out on anything!

If you do make anything with this stamp or anything from Aurora Wings please feel free to share them with me on my facebook page or Aurora Wings Facebook Group!

Until next time friends!!!






Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram, TwitterPinterest, and if you want to connect with me even more come see my facebook page!


